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Cheap Tripsta Flights

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Tripsta Flights


With the advancement of technology, traveling has become much easier. Standing out among online booking platforms, Tripsta is at the heart of this revolution.

Establishment and Growth

Based in Athens, Greece, Tripsta S.A. was founded in 2005 by Philipp Brinkmann and Kristof Keim under the name travelplanet24. However, with the company's rapid success and expansion plans for Europe, it adopted the name Tripsta S.A. in 2010. Just five years after its establishment, the company entered the market in Poland. By 2015, it had expanded to a total of forty-six different markets.

The financial support of 3.5 million EUR provided by the European Investment Fund in 2014 accelerated Tripsta's growth. By 2017, the company had reached a substantial reservation volume of 1.5 billion EUR and began serving over one million customers.

Local and Global Brands

Tripsta S.A. positioned itself in the global arena not only with its main brand but also through various sub-brands:

  • Travelplanet24: Operating only in the Greek market, this was Tripsta's original name.
  • airtickets: Active in 17 countries, this brand is especially preferred for flight ticket reservations.
  • NL Group: Operates in four different countries.
  • Tripsta: As the main brand, it serves in 46 different countries.

Challenges and Transformation

In 2018, Tripsta S.A. paused some of its operations due to the new business plan not yielding the expected results and difficulties in debt payments. This situation led to a change in the operations of and caused travelplanet24 to start selling only ferry tickets. These challenges also brought the company's decision to close its office in Romania. Dimitris Kontogeorgos criticized Tripsta, arguing that Tripsta's financial issues harmed the reputation of


Tripsta draws attention as a significant player in the world of online travel booking. Despite the challenges it faced after successful years, the company is striving to maintain its position in the industry and uphold its brand value.

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